Intimacy and Pleasure Coaching

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Intimacy and Pleasure Coaching

Are you stuck in a sexless marriage?

Do you and your partner have mismatched sexual desires?

Are you having performance issues?

Do you not feel emotionally connected anymore?

Or maybe you want to spice up your love life, but your partner isn’t interested.

If sexual issues are preventing true closeness between you and your partner, you may want to consider Intimacy & Pleasure Coaching.

Are you struggling with dating? Does it seem like a ruthless game with no end?

Are you exhausted by the online platforms and struggling to create a profile that attracts your ideal partner?

If you are looking for a change, seek our coach to help build a profile to attract your ideal partner. Become more confident in the dating "game" where you learn to lead with confidence and assertiveness rather than anxiety or exhaustion. 

How does Coaching work?

Coaching works by developing a set of goals and working together to complete or work through them. Whether you are struggling with intimacy or dating, your coach will help set up a defined set of goals and a treatment plan on how to work together through them. Our coach is collaborative. I will work alongside you though the whole process. We want our clients to develop confidence, strength and connectedness through our sessions. We operate from a strength, solution focused model. We want to see our clients succeed in their developed goals to live more connected, sensual, passionate lives! 

Specific objectives may include the following:

  • Learning to eliminate and relax distractions
  • Learning to communicate what you’d like in a positive way
  • Learning nonsexual touching techniques
  • Increasing or enhancing sexual stimulation
  • Minimizing pain during intercourse

If you’d like to explore Intimacy & Pleasure Coaching, I want you to know that you aren’t alone in having intimacy and pleasure problems and that I can help. Please contact me today for a free consultation to see if we are a good match.