About Me

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About Anna Raport LMFT-Intimacy & Pleasure Coach

Helping individuals and couples create the intimacy they crave and desire.

I am passionate about helping people uncover and explore their sexy side! I enjoy assisting individuals and couples in developing and recreating their most vulnerable connections in life. My passion lies within creating healthy and positive connections with sexuality and your body. Growing up in a sex negative culture can be difficult. I definitely get it and have struggled myself with negative views of sexuality in the past. I understand how hard it can be to let go of the negative standards and embrace passion, pleasure and sexuality. I can help transform and enhance your sexual life and then you will begin to lead a pleasure filled satisfying sex life.

Are your struggling with connecting with yourself or your partner sexually. Maybe you feel out of touch with your body? Maybe you think that it just doesn’t work or respond the way it used to. There’s hope, imagine a life full of connection, pleasure and sexual control.

Anna Raport is also a Couple and Family Therapist with specialized training in Sex Therapy. Anna attended Thomas Jefferson University where she completed her Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy. Anna’s specialties include clients who are struggling with sexual side effects after Cancer treatment, couples on the brink of separation, sexual dysfunction and performance anxiety.  Anna is also kink, poly and LGBTQ friendly.

Understand. Heal. Grow. We Can Do This Together

My Mission

“I provide Intimacy & Pleasure Coaching to individuals and couples struggling with intimacy difficulties in their life or relationship. By creating a personalized action plan clients are able to explore their sexual potential and establish a healthy, passionate, and flourishing sexual life.”

I am here for you.

I know how hard it can be to understand and explore your sexual potential. Trust me I’ve been there! Together we work side by side to get your to your best, sexiest, most comfortable self. Don’t settle for mediocre another second. Embrace the sensual you…

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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